The "Christoforidou" store has been active in the center of Drama since 1954. From the first moment it was established in the local market and continues in its 7th decade of existence it provides high quality footwear, having been embraced by the consumer audience of Drama, whο consistently selects modern or classic, but always anatomical, products of the store.
Since 2018, the "Christoforidou" store passes into the electronic era with the launch of the website for online purchases, maintaining of course the sale of absolute quality products. Through the online store you can buy the most modern brands and meet your daily needs for all seasons of the year, as well as support your sports activities, even at a professional level.
The online store, continuing the tradition of 7 decades, offers you the opportunity to make the choice of reliable, stylish and anatomical shoes that suit you through a wide range of brands, which have their fans and are a permanent choice for anyone who tries them even only once.